

うさぎ さんの品種について


世界最大規模のARBA(American Rabbit Breeders Association)から学んでみようと思います。



Netherland Dwarf


The enduring appeal of the Netherland Dwarf can be attributed to their diminutive size, variety of showable colors, and brachycephalic head. The Netherland Dwarf breed was first produced in the Netherlands in the early 20th century, and soon made its way to America. Since then their popularity has only grown and new color varieties have been recognized; bringing the total to 25. – Maximum weight 2.5 lbs.


Holland Lop


Originally developed by Adriann de Cock of the Netherlands with the purpose of creating a dwarfed lop-eared rabbit that was smaller and easier to handle than the larger French Lop. The venture was long and challenging but ultimately, rewarding as the breed was recognized by the ARBA in 1979. Today the Holland Lop is one of the top five most popular breeds in the ARBA. Its compact size paired with the large head and lopped ears makes it a beautiful addition to the rabbit world. – Maximum weight 4 lbs.





Perhaps the most recognizable breed, the Dutch rabbit was developed in England during the 1830s. Breeders began selecting rabbits that bore the distinct markings that have become the hallmark of the breed we know today. Selecting for correct markings paired with type can be challenging, but the fact that the Dutch remains one of the top 10 most popular breeds, is evidence that many are up to this task. – Maximum weight 5.5 lbs.


Mini Rex


Though a relatively new breed, the Mini Rex is consistently the #1 or #2 top entry at any ARBA Convention. Developed in 1984 in Texas by the late-great Monna Berryhill. The plush coated Mini Rex became a recognized breed in 1988 and have been dominating the show tables ever since. Popular and available in may different colors, the Mini Rex appeals to both new and seasoned breeders. – Maximum weight 4.5 lbs.


Dwarf Hotot


The “Eye of the Fancy” was developed in Germany from two different strains that eventually merged to become the breed we know today. The Dwarf Hotot combines the striking markings of the Blanc de Hotot with the charm of a dwarfed breed, making them easy to handle for children and a challenge to breed for the more seasoned expert. Recognized by the ARBA in 1983, the Dwarf Hotot enjoys a steady popularity and a loyal following – Maximum weight 3 lbs.




The American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc. provides unification within its membership that is composed of rabbit and cavy enthusiasts throughout North America and the world. The ARBA serves to promote the domestic rabbit and cavy fancy as well as all facets of the industry including commercial and scientific research facilities. Its organizational roots can be traced back over 100 years when, in 1910, the National Pet Stock Association came into being in response to the skyrocketing popularity of the Belgian Hare (actually a domestic rabbit – not a true hare), that had come on the scene around 1890. Over the years, the ARBA has grown and evolved into its present identity – enhancing, through its membership, high standards of perfection, efficiency and cooperation between all phases of the rabbitry industry; the all encompassing objective remaining the promotion of the domestic rabbit and cavy.

American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc.は、北米および世界中のウサギとモルモットの愛好家で構成されるメンバーシップ内で統一を提供しています。ARBAは、家兎とモルモットの空想だけでなく、商業および科学研究施設を含む業界のあらゆる側面を促進するのに役立ちます。その組織的なルーツは、1910年に、ベルギーのノウサギ(実際には家兎-本当のノウサギではない)の急増する人気に応えて全国ペットストック協会が設立された100年以上前にさかのぼることができます。 1890年頃のシーン。何年にもわたって、ARBAは成長し、現在のアイデンティティに進化しました。メンバーシップを通じて、ウサギ業界のすべてのフェーズ間の高水準の完成度、効率、協力を強化します。

